Polycrete ICF Blocks Installation Overview

Concrete Footing
Continuous concrete footing with reinforcing bars as specified by an engineer.

Starting Base
Installation of starting bases on the footing with concrete nails or concrete screws.

First Row Installation
The first row is installed on the starting bases.

Corner Guides
Corner guides are installed after the first row to ensure a perfect stability and verticality of the walls.

Ensure vertical wall alignment, wall bracing and stabilization before and during concrete pouring. Also used for upper ICF courses and concrete pouring.

Window and Door Openings
Make a wood buck and insert it into walls. This ‘false buck’ serves as formwork for the concrete pouring and as support for the final buck. Lintel reinforcement might be required.

Pouring Concrete
Concrete is poured into walls using a concrete pump. Big Block is designed so the crosstie system doesn’t obstruct the flow of concrete during pouring.

Floor and Roof Connections
Different floor types are available from traditional wooden floor structures to concrete ones. Roof connection is similar to that of traditional wood framing.

Interior and Exterior Finishes
Accepts all exterior siding types such as stucco, acrylic system, brick veneer, vinyl, aluminum and more. Interior wall finishing is similar to that of traditional wood framing.
Installation Video
Installation Equipment
Plumwall ICF Bracing:
Highest quality bracing on the market
Allows construction of walls 10', 12' and 24' high
Integrated bracing and scaffolding system makes wall construction and concrete pumping easy
Polycrete USA is a Plumwall Bracing dealer
Only ICF brace that gives you alignment control at the platform level
Contact us for special pricing

Aluminum Corner Guides
Used to brace 90° and 135° (45°) corners
Reusable tool lasting many years
Made from 3/16” thick aluminum measuring 8” on each side and 10’ tall
One corner guide braces each corner during concrete pour, then is removed for reuse