Contractors often hesitate to try Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) due to the cost of specialized bracing, which can be as much as $240 per piece. A typical single-family residence can require 40 or more pieces, and for commercial buildings, the number can easily reach hundreds. However, Polycrete ICF offers a cost-effective solution as it allows contractors to use regular pipe scaffolding for bracing, eliminating the need for expensive ICF braces. The scaffolding can be easily secured to the horizontal steel fastening strip in the Polycrete panel, making it the only ICF with this capability. Moreover, PolycreteUSA makes ICF construction even more accessible by supplying complete precut ICF wall kits, tailored to the exact specifications of the project, including door and window cut-outs. This ease of use and cost-saving features make Polycrete ICF an excellent option for contractors looking to venture into ICF construction for their next building project.